Build Strong Leadership Habits With the Help of a Coach

Grow, Learn & Move Forward

Want to know more about how coaching might help you propel your career forward?


Even when faced with a life-threatening situation, people tend to resist change, despite knowing the probable consequences.

We see instances of this every day in organisations experiencing change. Many corporate initiatives fail because of people’s resistance to doing things a different way, using new tools or processes – not because they weren’t good business ideas, driven by solid analysis, systems and facts.

The core of the challenge is discovering roadblocks and changing our behaviour.

To successfully grow and move our teams forward, we have to lead and influence mindfully. This is especially true for industries where the human element is often placed behind corporate requirements. Human behaviour at work sometimes doesn’t function the way we think it should.

As a leader myself, I understand the challenges you’re facing.


Who do I serve?

  •  Executives and leaders in governmental and health care organizations and their teams
  •  Business owners who lead small multicultural teams to accomplish a variety of business goals
  • Individuals who are feeling stuck and need tools and a framework to objectively organize thoughts and goals.
  • Anyone who needs support to make important career decisions (i.e. what do I have and what I need to do to move to the next phase of life.)

How do we know if we’re a fit to work together?

We might be a fit if you’re curious and open-minded to change. If you want to foster real mutually-beneficial relationships, we should chat.

    My process:

    Leadership Coaching:

    • Initial Chemistry Session: Because trust and rapport is crucial to our coaching relationship to be successful, we start off with a discovery call 
    • We want to work together? Great. We agree on the time duration. Because a change in behaviour and thinking doesn’t happen overnight, a minimum 3-month commitment is recommended
    • We sign the coaching contract and you fill out a questionnaire so I can get a sense of  what we need to focus on
    • Wrap up: Is our work done? If not, there is always an option to extend our work together

    Systemic Team Coaching:

    • Discovery meeting with the project sponsor and team/client
    •  Inquiry phase: We discuss scope, any specific issues, stakeholders, 360 review questionnaire, current challenges
    • Commissioning phase: We get to work
    • Solution: I facilitate sessions but the team would solve the issue, while I play Devil’s Advocate with probing questions. My goal is to work myself out of a job, co-creating a solution with the team

    My Promise to You:

    • To hold the space for you – to inspire self-discovery about how to bring your subconscious traits into consciousness and make different decisions
    • To co-create a goal-oriented action plan and support you to move forward. You get to decide what you want to solve & why it’s important
    • To hold you accountable for what are you doing & when, in order to move towards your goal



    “With Susanne, you have someone on your side who can guide you and help you develop new leadership techniques and new ways of dealing with people. For me, that’s key. I have a more confident and reasoned approach to situations I’m uncomfortable with. I think she’s an ideal companion walking that path.”

    – Bernd Hoeschele, Office Manager, Yukon Agricultural Association


    “Susanne’s a very good listener, very non-judgemental and asks questions that really make you think about the direction you’re taking. She’s not really confined to a set of constraints or rules or formats. She’s just so open-minded and willing to go in whatever direction you need (the conversation) to go. I still think about some of the issues I was facing and how I approach them differently now. I’ve been absolutely blown away by the effectiveness of this (SDI) tool.”

    – Carla Zubot, Nurse Supervisor/Manage Home Care